Help Alan Grayson Beat Marco Rubio for the US Senate!

Alan Grayson has fought for us since his first day in Congress. You may remember Alan from when he made national news early in his career for his speech on the House floor exposing the Republican health care plan as "Don't get sick, and if you do, die quickly." The Republicans and their media allies attacked Alan relentlessly ever since.

Like FDR said about the animosity he faced from his enemies, Alan "wears their hatred as a badge of honor." He has been the most powerful voice opposing bad trade deals like the Trans Pacific Partnership. He has also been the most outspoken opponent of efforts to cut Social Security. Alan opposes wars and regime change, and he listened to his voters before deciding to cast his super delegate vote for Bernie Sanders. Click here to contribute now, and share the link with your friends. Money tight? please contact me, Mike Fox to make important get out the vote calls.

We Need Alan Grayson In The Senate!


Even though he takes all these strong and principled stands on the issues vital to us all, Alan is also the most effective congressperson in DC. He's gotten more bills and amendments passed into law than any other current House member. That's because he's smart as well as strong. He knows how to get real results. Click here to contribute now to help elect Alan to the Senate.

Alan gets things done for us. Now we have to get something done for him in his race to defeat and replace Marco Rubio. As a Florida resident, I'm asking you to dig deep and help Alan Grayson win my state's Senate seat. To win, Alan has to beat two Republicans. We need you to give as generously as you can right now to help Alan beat his primary opponent–a Democrat in Name Only (DINO) who supported Mitt Romney. Click here to contribute now.

That's right, Alan's "Democratic" opponent Patrick Murphy gave as much money as he legally could to the Republican presidential candidate who mocked 47% of Americans as takers who deserve nothing because they'll never vote for Republicans, and who believes, "Corporations are people." That's where Patrick Murphy stands: with the rich and big corporations. Alan Grayson stands with us.

As Progressive Democrats, we demand actual Democrats as our candidates. Alan has to win his primary against Murphy to move on and defeat Rubio. Vote by mail ballots will be going out in a few weeks, so we must do all that we can right now to ensure a strong progressive victory.

Please give generously right now. Even if it's only $5, it will make a real difference. And if you can give an hour of your time here or there, please contact me and we'll get you connected with Alan's grass roots crew. Click here to contribute now, and share the link with your friends. Money tight? please contact me, Mike Fox to make important get out the vote calls.

Whether it's healthcare for all, peace, combating income inequality, social justice, fighting to expose and stop the TPP, protecting our environment, or getting big money out of politics, Alan has been there for us. If we're there for him, he will be the Senator With Guts that we need to fight for us all. He consistently has our back. Now let's have his. Dig deep! Click here to contribute now. Money tight? please contact me, Mike Fox to make important get out the vote calls.

Onward to victory for Alan and progressives!

Mike Fox
National Staff, Florida State Coordinator

P.S. We've invited Alan Grayson to join us at Progressive Central, The People’s Convention Monday, July 25 to Wednesday, July 27. We're inviting you too! Please click here now for tickets, tabling, sponsorships, ads, etc. Registration (per person): One day $10, All 3 days $25. Includes Light lunch and beverages. If you can't make it, please donate now to help us make the People's Convention a huge success!

A special favor: if you're a delegate, please contact me, Mike Fox to participate in our discussions and planning ASAP. Please pitch in $500, $50, $5 or whatever you can now to help support our organizing at the convention.


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Progressive Democrats of America

The democratic wing of the Democratic Party