Chapter News

Report from Central Valley-Sierra, CA PDA

Think about it, Progressive Democrats of America! In December 2013, we began the unlikely venture to recruit Senator Bernie Sanders to run for President on the Democratic ticket. Bernie was right there with us on the Issues we had embraced 9 years earlier at our founding. Alone, then and for a long time, we pursued that dream – and then realized it.

The extraordinary success of that presidential campaign could not have been predicted then. But in retrospect, it was as if PDA had birthed this amazing candidate who in turn birthed Our Revolution. A few of us think of PDA as Our Revolution’s “grandmother”! Not really that much of a stretch.

PDA never gets one cent from corporations or super PACs. We rely on individual donations that average less than $23 each. If you've never donated, or haven't donated recently, please dig deep and give $500, $50, or as much as possible as an investment in progress.

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Progressive Democrats of America

The democratic wing of the Democratic Party