Your support keeps Progressive Democrats of America going. We welcome contributions of any size. If you contribute just 34¢ per day--$10 per month--you'll help us defeat the right wing plutocrats. Please consider making automatic, recurring monthly contributions. Please contact Kimberly if you have any questions.
Please send checks to:
Kimberly Buchan, Operations Coordinator
P.O. Box 150064
Grand Rapids, MI 49515-0064
See who else is donating:
Raymond O'Neill
Suzanne Vied
Diana Orendi
Stephen Warren
Patricia Hernandez
Harvey Fernbach Md
Joan Lindgren
Barbara Rosen
Liz Keays
Harley Olson
Kathleen Albright
Charles Green
David Wright
Rachel Rosenbaum
Chloe Ramus
Trent Tripp
Jay Gilbert
Julie Sipes
Roger Carasso
ron horne
Jerome Paul
Ken Sandin
Roger Davis
Jean Cushman