Your support keeps Progressive Democrats of America going. We welcome contributions of any size. If you contribute just 34¢ per day--$10 per month--you'll help us defeat the right wing plutocrats. Please consider making automatic, recurring monthly contributions. Please contact Kimberly if you have any questions.
Please send checks to:
Kimberly Buchan, Operations Coordinator
P.O. Box 150064
Grand Rapids, MI 49515-0064
See who else is donating:
Larry Treadwell
Gail Anderson
Phil Ritter
Frank Cummings
John Hornik
Lynn Jacobsson
Jamie Knue
Bar Ponneck
Kathleen Hendricks
robert hanson
Ree Whitford
Celeste Leibowitz
Redge Ranyard
Carolyn N Rosenstein
Bob Pendleton
Judith Moore
Cheryl Mcdaniel
Jan Grant
Leonard and Ellen Zablow
Dale Eiermann
Ree Whitford
Derrick Duehren
Mike Burnash
Thomas Wood
Catherine Williamson
Kathleen Miles
Teresa Cordova