Your support keeps Progressive Democrats of America going. We welcome contributions of any size. If you contribute just 34¢ per day--$10 per month--you'll help us defeat the right wing plutocrats. Please consider making automatic, recurring monthly contributions. Please contact Kimberly if you have any questions.
Please send checks to:
Kimberly Buchan, Operations Coordinator
P.O. Box 150064
Grand Rapids, MI 49515-0064
See who else is donating:
Lisa Smithline
nancy crimmings
Charles Frost
Beverly McNulty
David Misch
Allan Dorfman
Sarah Pla
Ed Moritz
Kathleen Albright
Ron Bloodworth
Judi Poulson
Laura Stokes
Carole and David Lutness
marjorie trifon
David Veerman
Chester Schmaltz
Jeff Krauth
Mark Faas
Robert Kenny
Robert Kenny
Frederick Wood
Nancy Fannon
Patrick Lynch
Kenneth Ruby
Maureen Saval
Michele Roumell
Glenn Friedman
Susan Sered
Karin Conrad