Dr. Bill’s Prescription: Medicare For All

Our Medical System Is In Crisis
We Need Medicare For All STAT!

As Co-Coordinator of Progressive Democrats of America (PDA)’s Healthcare is a Human Right Issue Team, I’m giving my Top Reasons that we need Medicare For All (MFA), and a few thoughts on my experiences as an Emergency Room physician that led me to support MFA. After an entire career of 37+ years in medicine spent in the Emergency Room, I can see now that the crisis we now face in American Healthcare resulted from a gradual decline in attention to the needs of people rather than profits to certain individuals.

Here’s the short version: Medicare For All (MFA) will save 10,000s of lives and 100s of $billions each year. Call Congress 202-858-1717 and Click Here to tell your Representative to Cosponsor Rep. Jayapal’s and Rep. Dingell’s Medicare For All Act now! Click Here to tell your Senators to cosponsor Bernie’s MFA bill.

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ERA Falls One Vote Short

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has long supported the “Three State” approach to ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). We were among the first multi-issue national progressive organizations to endorse and support this strategy. We helped recruit the lead Senate sponsor, and helped gain cosponsors in the House and Senate.

We spoke with Andrea Miller, the Executive Director of People Demanding Action, PDA’s sibling organization. PDAction has helped lead state-by-state efforts to gain the three states needed to finally put women and girls in the U.S. Constitution. After gaining ratification in Illinois and Nevada, we remain one state short. We had reasonable hopes that Virginia would become the 38th state to ratify—the last state needed to achieve a historic victory for equality.

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Medicare For All Talk With The South Orange (CA) Democratic Club

YUUUUGE thanks to the South Orange County (CA) Democratic Club for having me speak last week on the subject of “The Status of #SinglePayer #MedicareForAll” at the federal and state levels.  A spirited discussion took place as seems to always be the case in public arenas on this issue.  Also, club members were invited to join our local PDA Orange Co CA Chapter and many of them signed up to do just that.

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Democracy’s Cornerstone Is Cracking

Tell Your Senators Vote No On Unfit Nominee Kavanaugh

Act Now! Sham Hearings Are Scheduled For Tomorrow

Call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121
An operator will connect you with your Senators

Photo credits: The Supreme Court Building, by Joe Ravi • CC BY-SA 3.0 and
Brett Kavanaugh at his confirmation hearing in 2004, CSPAN • Public domain

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House Calls For Medicare For All

Help Keep Dr. Bill On The Road Making House Calls For Medicare For All

Dr. Bill Honigman—Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) California State Coordinator and People Demanding Action Healthcare Issue Team Coordinator—hit the road again this past weekend. Thanks to activists like Dr. Bill, Donna Smith, and our many allies including the National Nurses United (NNU), Our Revolution, the Labor Campaign for Single Payer, PNHP, Healthcare Now! and others, Improved Medicare for All is gaining rapidly in public support.

Dr. Bill (center) and Friends Mobilizing for Medicare for All, with candidate for the CA Assembly (AD-10) and long time PDA member Dan Monte on his right

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What Is Kavanaugh Hiding?

Act Now! Help #StopKavanaugh!

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) strongly opposes the confirmation of extremist Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. Kavanaugh refuses to say whether or not he believes a sitting president can be indicted or even subject to a subpoena. Kavanaugh refuses to say whether or not a sitting president can pardon himself. He’s facing a vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee as soon as next week! Here are the members of the Committee. Call them all daily:


Photos: The United States Supreme Court Building, by Joe Ravi • CC BY-SA 3.0
and Kavanaugh at his confirmation hearing in 2004, CSPAN • Public domain

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Exciting Primary Results In Arizona

Help Progressive Democrats of America Elect Progressives!
Become a Win 2018 Sustainer by giving $20.18 per month

Tuesday’s primaries brought more good news for Progressive Democrats of America (PDA). Our endorsed candidates in Arizona—Representatives Raúl Grijalva and Ruben Gallego—easily won the Democratic Party nominations. With your help, they’ll return to Congress and continue their powerful advocacy for progressive policies including Medicare for All, common sense economics, and a humane approach to immigration.

We have much to celebrate as we head toward the midterm elections. You can help! Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. We need your help now to help elect strong progressives to Congress. Please give generously now.

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Throttling Kills

Tell Congress We Need Net Neutrality

Please write and call your Representative at 202-759-7766

Click Here if you’re in California to Support CA Legislation

BREAKING: How bad is the situation without Net Neutrality? As Common Dreams reported, “Verizon throttled, or slowed down, data speeds for the Santa Clara County fire department and suggested it should pay an extra fee for faster service—while fire fighters were battling some of California's biggest wildfires ever earlier this summer.” This “had a significant impact on our ability to provide emergency services,” according to fire chief Tony Bowden. It’s not just California. “Throttling [Internet] speeds can delay care and cost lives.” That’s the assessment of an EMT based in Little Rock, Arkansas. Big ISPs will continue to risk all of our lives and safety to increase their already bloated bottom lines. Unless Congress acts, the situation will only get worse.

According to the Los Angeles Times, “From 2013 until the 2015 order, six major ISPs [Internet Service Providers] were accused of slowing down content from companies that refused to pay for access to their customers.” And according to “Stanford Law School professor Barbara van Schewick, who has studied the issue for more than a decade ... ‘Employees couldn’t connect to their company’s network,’ she said. ‘Schools couldn’t upload their payload data. Skype calls dropped.’”

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Demand Justice For Migrants

Call the Capitol Switchboard (202)-224-3121
Demand Humanity and Justice for Migrants

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) joins with you and countless other Americans in horror over the cruel treatment of children and families seeking our help at the border. Please act now! Tell Congress To Stop Dividing Families!

Call the US Capitol Switchboard at (202)-224-3121, and they will connect you to your Senators and Representative. Ask to speak to (or leave a voicemail for) the staffer working on Immigration issues. Say you’re their constituent and you expect them to cosponsor and work to pass legislation to replace ICE (the Immigration Control Enforcement) and Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy with humane, fair, and effective immigration policies.

Tell Congress To Stop Dividing Families

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Pai’s Lies?

BREAKING: Reports say an Investigator General’s report will show that under Commissioner Ajit Pai’s (mis)leadership, the Federal Communications Commission (F.C.C.) misled the public for over a year. Well, that’s not a huge surprise, but soon we’ll have lock solid proof. Pai is intent on curtailing Internet freedom, and unless Congress acts, he will get his wish. Activist organizations, labor unions, alternative media, and other progressive voices will be muted or silenced.

Tell Congress We Need Net Neutrality

Click Here if you’re in California to Support CA Legislation

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Progressive Democrats of America

The democratic wing of the Democratic Party