Organize and Agitiate!

Last Summer, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) worked with inspiring young people to help them launch an exciting new organization: Young Progressives Demanding Action (YPDA). Established as an issue-based organization dedicated to advocacy for basic economic, civil, and human rights, YPDA has begun founding chapters on college campuses across the United States. Please contact [email protected] if you or someone you know wishes to get involved with YPDA.

PDA and YPDA are sister organizations, with entirely separate structures and operations. YPDA is focused on social campaigns, policy, and issues, such as The People's Budget, Black Lives Matter, and standing with Standing Rock against the Dakota Pipeline. Two YPDA leaders felt compelled to comment on the emerging political reality after Tuesday's election results. As a courtesy to YPDA and their leaders Elizabeth Lee, and Ian Schiffer, PDA shares their enlightening insights and observations:

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Now What?

Are you as stunned and saddened as I am? I thought I'd seen it all in my years struggling for healthcare and progress and equality. But life has a nasty habit of sucker-punching us the minute we think we have a real grip on things. The gut-wrenching election results from last night is making many of us reexamine and reassess. Count Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) among those wondering what happened.

As we begin soul searching, hoping to find some sense or meaning in this grim situation, we can pause briefly to reflect on how we came to arrive where we are, and then begin to focus on what we can do now. Spoiler alert: we will continue working to build a New Democratic Party that embraces the younger and more diverse voices we need to listen to much better if we're going to win elections going forward. 

Please contact PDA Field Coordinator Judy Hess now to help launch or strengthen a chapter in your state and locality. Sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make calls from your own homeDonate generously now to support our unabashedly progressive organizing.

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Fresno Emergency Meeting


Central Valley-Sierra Progressives 

November Emergency Meeting Tonight!

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California Dreaming...

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is working to elect strong progressives to Congress. We need your support now to help elect three great California progressives. We've written to you about Doug Applegate and Nanette Barragán, previously. We also have a third endorsed California candidate you can help as well, Emilio Huerta.

Please dig deep and donate $500, $50, or whatever you can afford to PDA's Make Change fund now! We won't get big money from billionaires or super PACs. To win, we need help from small donors and activists like you! We welcome contributions of any size. Please consider making automatic recurring monthly contributions.

Please send checks to:
Kimberly Buchan, Operations Coordinator
Progressive Democrats of America
P.O. Box 150064
Grand Rapids, MI 49515-0064

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Standing With Standing Rock

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has long opposed environmentally hazardous pipeline construction, and favored "keep carbon in the ground" policies due to the climate emergency. Today, we're asking you to stand with us supporting the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and their many other supporters.

Please donate generously to our Stop Global Warming fund to help PDA send activists to help the Tribe on the ground, and to support our ongoing efforts to protect the environment. See below for an announcement from the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) with other ways you can help right now.

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ALL CA Call - Election Preview - Justice or Bust!



California Dreamin' of Justice 

Election Preview

SUNDAY, October 30 at 7:00 p.m.

Conference Call No:      605-562-3140
Access Code:        210356#

To View slideshow go 
HERE and see upper right:
Click Join Meeting and enter code:
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Prop 61


Please join us in solidarity with Prop. 61, the Campaign for a Healthy California, California Nurses Association, and all who need lower drug prices!

California Dreamin' of RX Justice! 

Join Us For #YesOn61 Town Halls, Special Documentary Screenings

And Help Get the Word Out by Phone Banking for Yes On 61!



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Donald Trump: All Trick, No Treat (Updated)

Class warfare is escalating. America's superrich are taking it to hard-working people, or maybe we should say taking it from us. For the past few decades, greedy plutocrats have been taking our jobs, our wages, our benefits, our pensions, and more. All while gutless politicians aid and abet this war of the have-mores against the have-lesses.

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has been engaged in the struggle for economic and social justice since our founding in 2004. We're concerned that all our progress is at risk this Election Day. Please support our efforts to elect progressives.  (See below for the list of our House Endorsements.) Please pitch in $500, $50, or whatever you can to help us send more Progressives to Congress, and sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make important get out the vote calls.

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Help Elect Bob Seay

As a Coloradan dedicated to progress, I'm proud and pleased that the Colorado Chapter of Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) endorsed Bob Seay for Congress. He's a strong progressive, committed to needed reforms. Please join us supporting Bob!

Bob Seay is a high school educator running for Congress in Colorado’s extremely conservative 4th District. This is his first campaign. During his 30-year career as a teacher, Bob has seen the devastating effects of poverty on his students, their families, and communities. Please sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make easy movement building calls. No time to make calls? Then please donate generously now to help Bob Seay work for Colorado and the USA!

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In Memory Of Tom Hayden Updated for Election Day

Recently, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) lost Tom Hayden, our dear friend, mentor, and one of our founding Advisory Board Members. During the early 1960s, Tom joined the struggle for voting rights in the Deep South, where he faced beatings. Later that decade, he helped lead the protest against the Vietnam War, becoming famous as an author of the Port Huron Statement and as one of the Chicago Eight. Tom served as a State Senator and authored legislation on energy and other issues that helped forge California's reputation for innovation and progressive leadership. He went on to write deeply thoughtful books, teach countless students about peace and justice, and relentlessly advocate for a better world for all. Even as his health failed him, he continued to lead the struggle.

Now, even as we feel his loss, we must continue Tom's work. Please be sure to vote, and bring as many friends as you can to the polls. Vote for progressive candidates and to Dump Trump. (See below for PDA's House Candidate Endorsements). That's what Tom would do. Click here to support PDA'S work on the Climate Emergency, the crisis that became a major focus of Tom's recent advocacy.

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Progressive Democrats of America

The democratic wing of the Democratic Party