Thump Trump

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has a long and consistent history of endorsing only candidates who share our values as evidenced by their positions on our issues. That's not just our history; it is our endorsement policy. PDA helped persuade Bernie Sanders to run for president. Unfortunately his campaign fell short. Still, we are not defeated. PDA endorsed the ColoradoCare ballot initiative and a slate of progressives for Congress. We're focused on helping them win in November. We hope you will join us working to elect progressives and help Coloradans expand high quality healthcare to all their residents.

Please volunteer with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make important Get Out The Vote (GOTV) calls from your own home. Feel like enjoying a Rocky Mountain Autumn? Then please contact Donna Smith to join us in Colorado working for ColoradoCare. Too busy to volunteer? Then please contribute generously to support PDA's efforts on behalf of ColoradoCare. We gratefully welcome any donation.

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For Our Kids And Grandkids

UPDATE: Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) challenged ourselves to recruit 100 new sustainers—donors who support PDA with automatic monthly payments—by Election Day. We now have 40 new Change Makes Change sustainers toward our goal. That leaves 60 to go in the next 16 days—just under 4 per day to keep on track, Folks, and we can do it if we all help out. If you're not yet a sustainer, will you please click here now to help us reach our goal of 100 new sustainers by Election Day?

- Debra Schrishuhn

Russell Freedman (MA, $200/month sustainer) writes, "I am a monthly sustainer for PDA and glad to do it. I have 4 grandchildren and I give some money each month in their names: Sam, Jake, Max and Rosie. From climate change to healthcare, peace, and justice, I feel that PDA gives me the biggest bang for my buck and the best investment I can make for the future of all of our kids and grandkids."

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No Place For Hate

U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii's 2nd Congressional District faces harsh criticism due to her faith, and that is unacceptable. It seems during this general election cycle we have seen so much overall intolerance related to not only faith but gender, race, physical ability and appearance, economic status, mental competence, and more.  Please Donate Now to Support PDA's Efforts For Tolerance. Then, sign up with Mike Fox to make important movement building calls.

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Mary Ellen Is One Of Us

Mary Ellen says, "As a political science professor, I teach 'we the people, for the people' but now government is 'by the rich, for the rich.' Using my work in the classroom, my studies as a Fulbright Scholar, and my government experience, I'm running for Congress to change that." 

Get involved now! Sign up with Mike Fox to make easy but important calls from your own home to Get Out The Vote (GOTV) for Mary Ellen in Pennsylvania's 7th Congressional District! No time to make calls? Then donate generously now to help elect Mary Ellen Balchunis to Congress

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New Venue! Rally With Bernie And Raúl

Our Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) National Advisory Board member Congressman Raúl Grijalva will rally with Senator Bernie Sanders in Tucson, AZ tomorrow, Tuesday, October 18th. If you can make it, please show up! The rally will be held at the Main Stage at the University of Arizona Mall located at 1401 E. University Blvd., NOT at the Arizona State Museum.

If you can't be there, or even if you can, please support Raúl with a generous donation. Raúl was the first member of Congress to endorse Bernie Sanders for president. PDA was the first national organization to endorse Bernie. Together, we'll keep up the struggle for the political revolution Bernie inspired. Will you join us in Tucson and beyond?

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Sign The Climate Voter Pledge

Since our founding in 2004, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has been organizing to halt the Climate Emergency. Please join us now pledging to vote only for candidates who are dedicated to effectively and rapidly address climate change by signing the Climate Voter Pledge now. 

Then, please contribute generously to support PDA's efforts on the Climate Emergency. We gratefully welcome any donation. Also, sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make important movement building calls.

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No More War

As part of Progressive Democrats of America (PDA)'s ongoing organizing in our Healthcare Not Warfare campaign, and in honor of our friend Tom Hayden, please join with us signing a Petition to the 45th President of the United States entitled: "No More War." The message we'll deliver to the next president in January is straightforward and brief:

We call on you to end perpetual war by the United States Government. As signers of this petition, we commit ourselves to building nonviolent pressure to end continual U.S. warfare. We also reject our country's bloated military spending and massive arms sales that make the USA the world’s leading arms trafficker by a huge margin.

Please contribute generously to support PDA's efforts for peace. We gratefully welcome any donation. Then, sign the petition for peace, and sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make easy but important movement building calls.

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Applegate vs Issa

Early voting/vote by mail in California is starting soon! Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) chose to help Doug Applegate beat Darrel Issa, the richest member of Congress, even before Issa targeted us. Issa is trying to smear us as dangerous radicals, and attacking Doug for upholding positions we advocate. What are these so-called "radical positions?" Issa's attack ad says Doug plans on: "Taking Obamacare another step further.... Passing a new carbon tax.... Undoing free trade deals...." These are all policies that we know would make life better for everyone.

Hear from Doug Applegate this Thursday, October 20th, 9pm ET, 6pm PT
Dial-in Number: (712) 775-7035 Access Code: 124469#

We expect a packed call so please RSVP to Mike Fox and include any questions for Doug

Polls show Doug is neck-and-neck with Issa. Please dig deep and donate to help elect Doug now! Money tight? Then sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make easy but important calls from your own home.


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Our Ambitious Goal

UPDATE: Last month, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) challenged ourselves to recruit 100 new sustainers—donors who support PDA with automatic monthly payments—by Election Day. We are more than one-third of the way to our goal, but time is running short. We need 66 more sustainers in the next few weeks—we can do it if we work together on this important goal to help PDA become more financially stable and sustainable!

Debra Schrishuhn

To achieve the progress we all want, we still need 66 new sustainers by Election Day. We want to recognize those who dig deep to help sustain PDA as monthly sustainers. "Change Makes Change" helps us more easily budget and make plans by letting us rely on a steady flow of your generosity. Thank you! We couldn't do anything without you. If you're not yet a sustainer, will you please click here now to help us reach our goal of 100 new sustainers by Election Day?

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Bernie Sanders Rocks Boulder

Bernie Sanders to Host "YES on 69" Rally in Boulder Monday

Former Presidential Candidate Stumps for Healthcare for All as Ballots Drop

Rally for ColoradoCare with PDA and our Colorado CD4 endorsed Congressional candidate Bob Seay

Our allies with the ColoradoCareYES campaign reported they're "thrilled to announce one of the most anticipated events of the season in the run-up to Election Day. Senator Bernie Sanders will host a rally in support of ColoradoCare, Amendment 69 on the November ballot, this Monday, October 17th in Boulder. The former presidential candidate has aggressively supported Amendment 69, and his Colorado appearance should give a powerful boost to ColoradoCare's profile as voters begin marking their ballots."

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Progressive Democrats of America

The democratic wing of the Democratic Party