Bang For The Buck
This has been a long, rough year. The November elections shocked many of us, and dismayed most of us. Still, this has been a year of highs as well as lows. Here's a brief recap of our year (plus) as Progressive Democrats of America (PDA):
Over a year ago, PDA's "Run Bernie Run" campaign persuaded Bernie Sanders to run for president as a Democrat. Then, as an independent grassroots PAC, we promoted his candidacy with rallies, blasts, get out the vote calls, house parties, organizing calls, joining the National Nurses United (NNU) Bus Tours, and by designing and distributing flyers, bumper stickers, rally signs, and buttons. Bernie gave us a shout out in his new book, and many have said if not for our effort, Bernie's Revolution may not have even happened.
In Chicago last Summer, we organized at the People's Summit with allies, especially the summit conveners CNA/NNU. There, we helped lead panels and joined with progressives from around the country making plans for the upcoming Democratic National Convention and beyond. Also last Summer, PDA activists participated in the platform drafting process, and had a major impact on the platform especially regarding climate and healthcare policy. We sent representatives to platform deliberations, and achieved significant progressive victories.
Please pitch in $500, $50, or whatever you can right now to sustain PDA!
Money tight? Sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make calls from home
Dem Revolution
We as Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) have an incredible opportunity to create real change in the Democratic Party over the next month. Our Advisory Board member Rep. Keith Ellison is running to become Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and his chances look good.
Real change happens from the grassroots up, at the local and state levels. PDA are proud we were the first national organization to endorse Rep. Keith Ellison for DNC chair, and we will continue pushing for change at the national level. That said, PDA is already advancing the political revolution locally. Please click here to email your contact information and other details if you are an elected member of your state or local party, or if you would consider running for a position. Too busy to run for an official party position? Sign up with me to find out about other ways to help.
Don't Agonize, Organize
Are you stunned and saddened by the election results? You are not alone. Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is disgusted by what happened on Election Day and the parade of horrible high-level appointees. But we're not moping. We're already working to make things better. We were instrumental in launching the Political Revolution that brought Bernie Sanders and his common sense policy solutions to millions of Americans. We've come this far. We're not going back. We will continue working to build a New Democratic Party that embraces the younger and more diverse voices we need to listen to much better if we're going to win elections going forward.
We're here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Judy Hess. Sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make change in your local and state Democratic Party and to make movement building calls from your own home. Too busy to volunteer? Then donate generously now to support our unabashedly progressive organizing.
What A Year
This has been a long, rough year. The November elections shocked many of us, and dismayed most of us. Still, this has been a years of highs as well as lows. Here's a brief recap of our year (plus) as Progressive Democrats of America (PDA):
Over a year ago, PDA's "Run Bernie Run" campaign persuaded Bernie Sanders to run for president as a Democrat. Then, as an independent grassroots PAC, we promoted his candidacy with rallies, blasts, get out the vote calls, house parties, organizing calls, joining the National Nurses United (NNU) Bus Tours, and by designing and widely distributing materials including flyers, bumper stickers, rally sign, and buttons. Bernie gave us a shot out in his new book, and many have said if not for our effort, Bernie's Revolution may not have happened.
In Chicago last Summer, we organized at the People's Summit with allies especially the summit conveners CNA/NNU at which we helped lead panels and joined progressives from around the country making plans for the upcoming Democratic National Convention and beyond. Also last Summer, PDA activists participated in the platform drafting process, and had a major impact on the platform especially regarding climate and healthcare policy. We sent representatives to platform deliberations, and achieved some significant progressive victories. PDA is working to pressure Trump and Congress by sending more progressives there, and by challenging comfortable incumbents with Progressives.
Please pitch in $500, $50, or whatever you can to send Progressives to Congress!
Money tight? Sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make calls from your home
Healthcare Is A Right
Now more than ever, we have the opportunity to help remake the Democratic Party. Our founder Tim Carpenter always talked about the inside/outside strategy, and now we have the chance to move ahead with that like never before. PDA is supporting local and state efforts across the USA to take back the Democratic Party from corporate Dems and DINOs (Democrats In Name Only). We've joined Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and many other progressives supporting Keith Ellison for DNC chair. His chances look good, especially with former chair Howard Dean dropping out.
As Republicans plot to repeal Obamacare, now is the time for a renewed and powerful Single Payer push. We've been doing just that with the tenth anniversary relaunch of our Healthcare Not Warfare (HNW) campaign. We held amazing HNW vigils held across the country on or around Saturday, December 10th, 2016, International Human Rights Day. Medicare for All advocates will gather for a strategy conference January 13-15 in New York City. Please make plans to join us!
If you can't attend the conference, please donate generously now to help PDA bring activists to NYC to defend Medicare against right wing attacks, and organize to expand it to all. Money tight? Then sign up for PDA's Healthcare Human Rights organizing team. Click here and make sure the box for Healthcare Human Rights is checked.
Organizing For Healthcare Not Warfare
To promote Healthcare as a Human Right, PDA and our allies—including the California Nurses Association (CNA) / National Nurses United (NNU), Healthcare NOW, Labor Campaign for Single Payer Healthcare, and Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP)—are working to expand and improve Medicare, the Republicans are working to end it. They vow to replace this effective, popular, life-saving program with vouchers they euphemistically call "premium support."
These cuts and changes will turn Medicare into "Coupon Care," impoverishing people who rely on Medicare, enriching private insurance companies, wasting taxpayers' money, and—most critically—endangering the health and lives of millions of people. It's up to you to tell Congress, "Hands off Medicare!" It's up to us to defend Medicare. Please donate $500, $50, or whatever you can now to support our organizing for healthcare as a human right.
Keith Ellison For DNC
Rep. Keith Ellison is the "Anti-Trump." He's thoughtful, calm, smart, progressive, and he happens to be the first Muslim American ever elected to Congress. He represents one of the most diverse districts in Minnesota, a state known for proud progressives. Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) are proud to have him on our national advisory board, and we stand with Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and many of their colleagues in calling for him to be the next chair of the DNC.
Keith has been a serious fighter for all of our progressive issues. He's committed himself to work full-time in all 50 states as DNC Chair, offering to step down from his House seat if elected to chair the DNC. He's been an exemplary Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. His character and integrity are unquestioned, and he's shown the ability to build coalitions to engineer real change. Please join us as we support Keith Ellison's bid to lead the DNC: sign here and here. Donate $500, $50, or whatever you can now to support Keith Ellison for DNC Chair.
There's Still Time
Please contact Mike Fox now to help organize a Healthcare Not Warfare event or vigil on or around Saturday, December 10th, 2016, International Human Rights Day. A decade ago, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) launched the Healthcare Not Warfare (HNW) campaign, calling for an end to war and redirection of funds to meet human needs, including an expanded and improved Medicare For All healthcare system. This to guarantee high quality healthcare for all as as a human right.
Our nation continues to neglect millions of people who are still suffering without access to quality healthcare. This is cruel, immoral, and unsustainable. PDA demands expanded and improved Medicare for All. We could easily afford to fully fund such a program if only we drastically decreased our massive spending on warfare, weapons, and military actions. Help PDA make needed progress on Healthcare Not Warfare. Please RSVP to Mike Fox and include any questions you have about the vigils, they can be simple and of any size. Too busy to volunteer? Then donate $500, $50, or whatever you can now to support our organizing for healthcare as a human right.
'Tis The Season
Join us on Saturday, December 10th, as we gather with our allies from the ColoradoCareYes campaign and PDA-CO to talk about next steps on the path to Medicare for all in Colorado. We will provide an analysis of the ColoradoCare, Amendment 69, campaign and discussion of where we go from here.
12:30-4 p.m. Saturday, December 10
Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library
2401 Welton St., Denver, 80205
Please RSVP Here
While many may look at ColoradoCare's defeat at the ballot box in 2016 as a failed attempt to move single-payer, we do not see it that way at all. We have more than half a million people who will likely lose affordable access to healthcare once the Trump administration begins taking its marching orders from ultra-conservatives like Paul Ryan and Tom Price.
Progressive Presents
Give gifts that support and advance your principles
"Cyber Monday" is gone, but"Blue Monday" online discounts continue, but not for much longer! Order now! To receive items by,12/25, please order by 12/18. To receive items by,12/31, please order by 12/26. Buy great gifts for your loved ones (and yourself) while supporting progressive movement building! All prices include postage and handling. All proceeds help Progressive Democrats of America elect progressive candidates and organize on important issues.
The Stamp Stampede is in full swing! Once again, PDA is offering self-inking stamps with progressive messages to stamp currency, mail, and any paper surface. They make great gifts and great accessories for holiday parties. Our price is only $14 including shipping, and your purchase helps us continue our work to transform the Democratic Party and protect progressive policies. Stamping currency is legal and a little subversive. Buy a stamper and get stamping. Check out these and other deals online, and come back regularly to see new items and new discounts.
Give holiday gifts that support and advance your principles. Buy great gifts for your loved ones (and yourself) while supporting progressive movement building! All prices include postage and handling. All proceeds help Progressive Democrats of America elect progressive candidates and organize on important issues. Make your point or make your gift recipients smile with issue-oriented buttons and bumper stickers. Engage in fun, subversive money-stamping with self-inking stamps from The Stamp Stampede! We shall overcome!