Feinstein in Fresno Thursday!
U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein made headlines in April when she held two town halls in San Francisco and Los Angeles - yet according to her Fresno office, Sen. Feinstein has never held a town hall in Fresno!
Meet outside the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel (2233 Ventura St, Fresno 93721) in downtown Fresno at 11:00 am Thursday (tomorrow) and let your voice be heard!
Tomorrow, Thursday, Feinstein will speak in Fresno at a luncheon for ticket-holders only, not the general public. Why should Fresno, one of the poorest regions of the state, have to pay $35 to hear from our Senator when San Francisco and Los Angeles heard from Feinstein for free?
We believe our democracy should be for everyone, not a select few.
Tell Sen. Feinstein that Fresno deserves a free town hall that is open to the public just like SF and LA.
Meet outside the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel (2233 Ventura St, Fresno 93721) in downtown Fresno at 11:00 am Thursday (tomorrow) and let your voice be heard!
Meet outside the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel (2233 Ventura St, Fresno 93721) in downtown Fresno at 11:00 am Thursday (tomorrow) and let your voice be heard!
We hope you can make it!
In solidarity,
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