Sign the petition to support
the 2019 People’s Budget!
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) and the People’s Budget coalition are organizing support for a progressive alternative to the right wing Trumpublican Budget. The Congressional Progressive Caucus has once again offered a completely different vision for America, the People’s Budget that puts workers and everyday families first! Click here to sign on saying:
The Congressional Progressive Caucus’ People’s Budget has my full support. We demand a budget that puts the American people first, not billionaires and big corporations.
Sign the petition to support the 2019 People’s Budget!
Double Your Donation of $100 or More
Support PDA Now to Match Your Money
The 2019 People's Budget would:
Invest $2 trillion in America’s crumbling infrastructure, promote job growth and sustainability; and $1 trillion to ensure that families will not have to pay more than 7% of their income for child care, and expand pre-K for young children.
Endorse comprehensive immigration reform and oppose immigration bans on Muslims and refugees.
Offer support for college students with a federal matching program that brings down costs and increases student aid.
Provide funding for a single payer universal healthcare system.
Expand Social Security to address the nation's looming retirement income crisis and to ensure that every American can retire with security and dignity.
Address climate change and invest in a clean energy economy that supports green jobs and fair wages.
Prioritize pathways out of poverty with a bold national strategy to reduce poverty in half in ten years and a $12 billion investment to end family homelessness.
Close tax loopholes and tackle inequality through a fair tax system for all Americans, leveling the playing field for working people.
Protect the right to vote and support criminal justice reforms to strengthen public safety and avoid over-criminalization.
Prioritize veterans by increasing funding and support for vital services for all veterans, addressing homelessness, expanding access to mental health care, and investing in job training opportunities.
Increase funding for diplomacy, sustainable development, and humanitarian assistance to address the ongoing crises around the world.
Eliminate the Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) altogether, saving $797 billion over 10 years compared to current law, including reducing the arsenal of nuclear weapons and blocking the dangerous elements in President Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review (NPR).
PDA and allies are mobilizing support for the People’s Budget. Double Your Donation of $100 or More. Support PDA Now to Match Your Money to keep us organizing for Medicare for All, peace, stopping global warming, equality, economic and social justice, fair and open elections, stopping global warming, ending corporate rule, and more. Money tight? Then contact Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to sign up to make important movement mobilizing phone calls .
We can't do anything without you. Please support PDA now! Support our efforts with a generous donation now.
In solidarity,
Mike Hersh for Mike F., Donna, Dr. Bill, Judy, Deb, Dan, Bryan, Kim, and Janis—Your Progressive Democrats of America National Team
P.S. We're here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need any help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal.
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