Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has a long and consistent history of endorsing only candidates who share our values as evidenced by their positions on our issues. That's not just our history; it is our endorsement policy. PDA helped persuade Bernie Sanders to run for president. Unfortunately his campaign fell short. Still, we are not defeated. PDA endorsed the ColoradoCare ballot initiative and a slate of progressives for Congress. We're focused on helping them win in November. We hope you will join us working to elect progressives and help Coloradans expand high quality healthcare to all their residents.
Please volunteer with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make important Get Out The Vote (GOTV) calls from your own home. Feel like enjoying a Rocky Mountain Autumn? Then please contact Donna Smith to join us in Colorado working for ColoradoCare. Too busy to volunteer? Then please contribute generously to support PDA's efforts on behalf of ColoradoCare. We gratefully welcome any donation.
2016 Election Plan: Thump Trump, Elect Progressives
Bernie Sanders was far and away our first choice in this Presidential cycle. The remaining choices are not optimal, and we remain frustrated that the Democratic nominating process was deeply flawed and biased, as the two party system has often been. However, we also recognize that one of the two major party candidates will be the next President of the United States.
Many of us were bruised by the presidential primary process, and we share the intense disappointment associated with not having Bernie Sanders as our endorsed nominee. After so many months of hard work and so much of our collective resources expended supporting Bernie's campaign, we remain committed to the political revolution moving forward.
For all of those who've asked us: We cannot endorse Hillary Clinton because she does not share our positions on the issues. This is not an anti-Clinton position, it is simply not an endorsement. Furthermore, we are not interested in debating the merits of the two-party system at this time, nor opposing Hillary's candidacy. We are all too well aware of their imperfections.
As Election Day approaches, we're focused on doing the most good we can. Join us! Please volunteer with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make important Get Out The Vote (GOTV) calls. Too busy to volunteer? Then please click here now and donate generously to help PDA reach our Election Day goals and elect our Progressive Slate.
We urge all progressives to vote, and to vote the entire ballot. By making the best choices among the viable candidates in each race, we express a strong and meaningful a voice. By voting prudently, we ensure that our government does not fall into chaos or ever more regressive, destructive policies. PDA will continue to work to ensure progressive victories so that those elected in November give us the best chance to advance a truly progressive agenda.
This election is critical to the direction of the nation, and we urge our members to vote their conscience. We hope all progressives recognize that:
- On the climate emergency, the choice is clear: steady progress vs. reckless denial.
- On the nomination of federal judges including the Supreme Court as well as the cabinet secretaries, and the rest of the appointed federal workforce, the choice is clear.
- On immigration policy, on protecting our social safety net, including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, it's clear.
- On achieving progress toward true healthcare justice and other human rights, it is clear.
In the few weeks remaining, you can make a real difference. Please join PDA in working for a more progressive Congress. No matter who is elected president, the House and Senate will determine what legislation passes and what fails. Please get involved now! Sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make important Get Out The Vote (GOTV) calls from your own home. Too busy to volunteer? Then please click here now and donate generously to help PDA reach our Election Day goals and elect our Progressive Slate.
In solidarity,
Debra Schrishuhn for Donna, Mike H, Judy, Mike F, Janis, Dan, Teva, Amos, and Kim, your PDA National Team
P.S. We're here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need any help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Judy Hess. Don't delay, start organizing now to make a real difference where you live.
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Contact PDA Social Media Director Janis Kay. Click on the logos below:
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