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Send Dr. Bill to the Chicago SP Conference 2015

As Co-coordinator of the PDA Healthcare Human Rights Issue Organizing Team (IOT), I would be honored to represent you if you are not able to attend yourself, or join you there if you are. I am looking to raise some funds to support my trip as travel costs from California are considerable.

I was honored to represent national PDA at the recent Medicare Turns 50 and Healthcare Justice March gatherings in Washington DC in July, and hope to carry our cause forward next month in Chicago.

With your donation, however small, I can feel I have your backing in attending. With our unique approach to electoral and issues based organizing and the upcoming 2016 elections now in full swing, PDA has much input to offer our coalition partners as always. Also, we especially want you to continue to join us on each and every monthly Issue Team call  to express your own unique point of view as we move forward.