Now more than ever, we have the opportunity to help remake the Democratic Party. Our founder Tim Carpenter always talked about the inside/outside strategy, and now we have the chance to move ahead with that like never before. PDA is supporting local and state efforts across the USA to take back the Democratic Party from corporate Dems and DINOs (Democrats In Name Only). We've joined Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and many other progressives supporting Keith Ellison for DNC chair. His chances look good, especially with former chair Howard Dean dropping out.
As Republicans plot to repeal Obamacare, now is the time for a renewed and powerful Single Payer push. We've been doing just that with the tenth anniversary relaunch of our Healthcare Not Warfare (HNW) campaign. We held amazing HNW vigils held across the country on or around Saturday, December 10th, 2016, International Human Rights Day. Medicare for All advocates will gather for a strategy conference January 13-15 in New York City. Please make plans to join us!
If you can't attend the conference, please donate generously now to help PDA bring activists to NYC to defend Medicare against right wing attacks, and organize to expand it to all. Money tight? Then sign up for PDA's Healthcare Human Rights organizing team. Click here and make sure the box for Healthcare Human Rights is checked.
Help PDA Make Needed Progress Now
Please donate $500, $50, or whatever you can now!
Help PDA make needed progress on Healthcare Not Warfare. Sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make important calls from your own home. Too busy to volunteer? Then donate $500, $50, or whatever you can now to support our unabashedly progressive organizing for healthcare as a human right.
In solidarity,
Mike Hersh for Donna, Judy, Mike F, Janis, Deb, Kim, Dan, Teva, and Amos
Your Progressive Democrats of America National Team
P.S. We're here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Judy Hess.
Follow PDA and share our articles on social media.
Contact PDA National Online Media Director Janis Kay.
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