We need your help to make real progress on healthcare. Whether or not you support the Affordable Care Act, we can agree it doesn't go far enough. Find out how you can bring our healthcare message to your friends and local businesses.
Click here to get your copy of the amazing DVD "FIX IT: Healthcare at the Tipping Point" as our gift for any donation of $50 or more! (We gladly accept contributions of any size).
Medicare for All Will Save Lives and Money.
Help PDA get the message out now!
Kurt Bateman, longtime healthcare advocate, and Co-coordinator of PDA's Healthcare is a Human Right Issue Team writes:
Click here to get your copy of the amazing DVD "FIX IT: Healthcare at the Tipping Point" as our gift for any donation of $50 or more!
Richard Master, Corporate CEO and Executive Producer of the Fix It movie writes:
Help us Fix our broken healthcare system. Click here to get your copy of the amazing DVD "FIX IT: Healthcare at the Tipping Point" as our gift for any donation of $50 or more! (We gladly accept contributions of any size).
For Medicare for All, everyone in, no one out!
Donna Smith, Kurt Bateman, and Dr. Bill Honigman
For PDA's Healthcare is a Human Right Team
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