Help Elect Bob Seay

As a Coloradan dedicated to progress, I'm proud and pleased that the Colorado Chapter of Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) endorsed Bob Seay for Congress. He's a strong progressive, committed to needed reforms. Please join us supporting Bob!

Bob Seay is a high school educator running for Congress in Colorado’s extremely conservative 4th District. This is his first campaign. During his 30-year career as a teacher, Bob has seen the devastating effects of poverty on his students, their families, and communities. Please sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make easy movement building calls. No time to make calls? Then please donate generously now to help Bob Seay work for Colorado and the USA!

Donate Generously Now To Help Elect Bob Seay!


Help PDA Send Bob Seay to Congress! Money tight?

Then sign up with Mike Fox to make important calls from home.

Bob has endorsed Colorado Cares, the proposed amendment to provide healthcare for all Coloradans. Bob believes that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. He says we should raise the cap on Social Security contributions, and develop a tax code that does not reward billionaire tax evaders like Donald Trump. Please pitch in $500, $50, or whatever you can to help send Bob Seay to Congress, and sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make important get out the vote calls.

Bob has taken strong stances against fracking, for gun safety, and for LGBT equality. If elected, hiss first goal will be to work on legislation to reverse Citizens United, because, as he says, “nothing is going to change until we change how we finance elections.” Help Bob win! Sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make easy movement building calls.

Bob’s opponent is Ken Buck, the Colorado Congressman who is best known for displaying an AR-15 assault rifle in his Congressional office. Buck is a member of the Tea Party and the so-called Freedom Caucus. He has endorsed Donald Trump for President and has stuck with that despite Trump's hateful rhetoric. Colorado deserves better! Please pitch in $500, $50, or whatever you can to help us send to Bob Congress!

In solidarity,

Donna Smith for Mike H., Judy, Mike F, Janis, Dan, Kim, Deb, Amos, and Teva
Your Progressive Democrats of America National Team

P.S. We're here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need any help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Judy Hess.


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Progressive Democrats of America

The democratic wing of the Democratic Party