Help Elect Jamie Raskin To Congress

Last April, Jamie Raskin won a decisive victory against two millionaires in one of the most expensive House primary elections in U.S. history. PDA was with him from the beginning until the end. We organized canvasses, made 100s of phone calls, and sent out several blasts to help bring in contributions and volunteers. Donna Smith helped fire up the volunteers at Jamie's campaign headquarters March 17. I personally worked the polls for Jamie on Primary Tuesday, from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. from open until close, without a break. It was all worth it.

Let's Finish the Job! Help Send Jamie Raskin to Congress!


Please contribute $500, $50, $5 or whatever you can afford now to help Jamie win in November! Contact Mike "Phone Guy" Fox at [email protected] to make important Get Out the Vote calls for Jamie and other progressives.

Last year, it was my honor to introduce Jamie on our national PDA endorsement call. That evening, I said this about him:

Jamie is with PDA on all of our issues. This is not a coincidence, because he was with us from day one helping to create our agenda back in 2004, and he served on our national advisory board until he was elected to the Maryland Senate in 2006.

I only have time to mention just a few of his many legislative accomplishments here in Maryland: he was a key leader in the efforts to end the death penalty, establishing aggressive standards for renewable energy and addressing climate change, for medical marijuana, marriage equality, equal access to education for the children of immigrants in the University of Maryland system, and a second chance for people who broke the law and served their time to get a job, vote, and rejoin our economy.

These are all now the law of Maryland—not just bills or efforts or hopes, these are laws. He's also led on efforts to clean up elections and support public financing of campaigns. Jamie is notable for saying elected officials put their hand on the Bible and swear an oath to defend the Constitution, not the other way around.
Jamie is a tremendous intellect, a highly skilled legislator, an innovative problem solver, an accomplished coalition builder, and a courageous leader by example. Jamie is an activist for all of the principles and values we hold dear. He will make an excellent member of Congress. I am so proud to call Jamie my friend and I will be so proud to call him my Representative from Maryland's 8th district.

We congratulate Jamie and his amazing team for this inspiring victory. We look forward to helping him win in November, and then working with him after he takes his seat in the House of Representatives. Please contribute $500, $50, $5, or whatever you can afford now to help ensure Jamie has the resources he needs to win on Election Day.

Join our phone team to help PDA elect Jamie and other great progressives to Congress. Contact Mike "Phone Guy" Fox at [email protected] to make important Get Out the Vote (GOTV) calls.


Mike Hersh, PDA Communications Director, for Donna, Judy, Mike F, Janis, Deb, Steve, and Kimberly—the PDA National Team

P.S. Please contribute now to help PDA activists keep organizing!


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Progressive Democrats of America

The democratic wing of the Democratic Party