No Place For Hate

U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii's 2nd Congressional District faces harsh criticism due to her faith, and that is unacceptable. It seems during this general election cycle we have seen so much overall intolerance related to not only faith but gender, race, physical ability and appearance, economic status, mental competence, and more.  Please Donate Now to Support PDA's Efforts For Tolerance. Then, sign up with Mike Fox to make important movement building calls.

There's No Place For Hate
Support Efforts For Tolerance

Please Donate Now to Support PDA's Efforts For Tolerance

Fortunately, even the Republican Party of Hawaii denounced some of the most recent attack's on Tulsi, but the outrage of attacking any person's faith as reason to put them out of office seems to be an extension of an election season mentality that has emboldened some of the worst of the worst in our society. (You may want to read this article.)

Another PDA-endorsed candidate, Peter Jacob running in New Jersey, has been the target of hateful intimidation tactics. Local online news outlet Tap Into Warren reported:

Spray-painted swastikas were found at Jacob’s home over the weekend. Jacob, an Indian-American, said “the rhetoric we are hearing nationally is trickling down locally.”

“My parents came here from India with $20 in their pocket,” said Jacob, who was raised in Union. “They worked hard. This is our community. This nation has given us so much. This is our town, our state. We will not be intimidated.”

Whether this is the "Trump effect" specifically, or the next stage in the selfish, vitriolic rise of the Tea Party infiltration of the Republican Party, it is not a reflection of the direction our country needs to take. Nor should this be acceptable to any of us as a part of our political discourse.

While PDA will continue to take tough stands on issues, we will never support the kind of intolerance that has been reflected by Tulsi's opponent, against Peter Jacob, or in other races around the country. Our society is diverse, and it is stronger because of that diversity. Those who would attempt to divide us are showing their weakness and their ignorance.

By way of this message, we want to thank all of our PDA members—our chapter leaders, our state coordinators and our amazing advocates—for showing the kind of solid commitment to tolerance, justice and the richness of diversity that will truly allow us to focus attention on the future. The climate emergency, single-payer healthcare, an end to war, racial justice, election integrity, gender equality, economic inequality, and beyond—these are our common issues. More tolerance, not less.

Join us in the continued drive for a better, more tolerant world. We can count on your PDA sisters and brothers to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you against those who would divide us. Please Donate Now to Support PDA's Efforts For Tolerance. Then, sign up with Mike Fox to make important movement building calls.

In solidarity,

Donna Smith for Mike H., Judy, Mike F, Janis, Dan, Kim, Deb, Amos, and Teva
Your Progressive Democrats of America National Team

P.S. We're here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need any help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Judy Hess.


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Progressive Democrats of America

The democratic wing of the Democratic Party