Tell The DNC Healthcare Is A Human Right!

Thank you for supporting Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) and more than 21,000 fellow activists who signed the petition calling on the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to include improved Medicare for All in the 2016 Platform! We're only asking that they join 81% of Democrats who support Medicare for All.

Now that we've got the winning message, help us "take it to the Tweets" ...and to Facebook. Please share your voice on social media now, and ask your friends, family and co-workers to join with you. If you or they haven't signed the petition for Medicare for All, there's still time. Click here to sign now, and share the petition link with your networks. We’d like to deliver thousands of additional signatures to the DNC.

We Need Your Help To Get The Winning Message Out!


Our dear friends with National Nurses United (NNU) have made it easy for us. Click here and use this sign to share your story on Twitter and Facebook. Please print it and take a selfie holding it, then post the picture to social media using the hash tags #MedicareForAll and #DNC2016

We need you to start sharing this winning message right now, and keep posting through Friday. That's when the DNC Platform Drafting Committee will first meet to develop a draft platform. Join PDA, nurses, and healthcare justice advocates around the country in sending a strong message: "It’s time for improved Medicare for All!"

NNU Registered Nurse Geraldine Schaumburg delivered the petition with all of our signatures to the Platform Drafting Committee last week. She also shared her heartbreaking story about how runaway healthcare costs forced her to spend her life savings, and to seek healthcare in Mexico because she couldn't afford the care she needed in the United States.

RoseAnn DeMoro, the Executive Director of National Nurses United explains, "Nurses know these healthcare horror stories are far too common and that’s why I sent a strong message to the committee that nurses will settle for nothing less than Medicare for All–the only real solution to end suffering across the country." (Note: We've adapted RoseAnn's thoughtful words for this entire message.)

Please join us on Twitter and Facebook and tell the #DNC2016 it’s time for #MedicareForAll! Click here and use this sign to share your story on Twitter and Facebook. Please print it, take a picture holding it, then post it to social media using the hash tags #MedicareForAll and #DNC2016

Also, please share any experiences you've had with overpriced, out of reach, or insufficient healthcare with the DNC Platform Drafting Committee. Click here to submit your testimony in writing, or even better, click here to submit your testimony by video.

Your video, picture, and words will help us persuade the Committee to join the vast majority of Americans (about 60%) who support improved Medicare for All because we know it would save lives and save money. Please get involved every way you can right now.

For Healthcare Not Warfare,

Donna Smith for Mike H, Judy, Mike F, Janis, Deb, Kim, Conor, Steve, and the whole PDA Family

P.S. We've invited the Nurses to join us at Progressive Central, The People’s Convention Monday, July 25 to Wednesday, July 27. We're inviting you too! Please click here now for tickets, tabling, sponsorships, ads, etc. Registration (per person): One day $10, All 3 days $25. Includes Light lunch and beverages. If you can't make it, please donate now to help us make the People's Convention a huge success!

A special favor: if you're a delegate, please contact Mike Fox to participate in our discussions and planning ASAP. Please pitch in $500, $50, $5 or whatever you can now to help support our organizing at the convention.


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Progressive Democrats of America

The democratic wing of the Democratic Party