What Does Labor Day Mean To Us?

While we participate in Labor Day parades, spend quality time with friends and family, or just relax, it's important to recognize the purpose of this holiday. Today, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) honors and thanks the courageous, dedicated, and thoughtful leadership of our allies in the labor movement, most especially National Nurses United (NNU).

The NNU Nurses exemplify all that is essential and positive in the House of Labor. While others may play it safe, NNU never stops striving to improve the working conditions and lives of its members, of the patients they serve, and of all people. We recognize their leadership on health concerns including best practices for dealing with the Ebola and Zika viruses, safe and appropriate registered nurse to patient ratios, and Medicare for All.

Demonstrating their expansive advocacy, NNU champions environmental and economic justice. Their agenda includes demanding effective polices to address the climate emergency, opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and mobilizing support for the Robin Hood Tax. To support this ambitious agenda, NNU endorses the most principled, progressive candidates. Please join NNU and support PDA's work for progress with a generous donation now. Money tight? Then please sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make important calls from your own homeRather not make calls? Then Judy Hess will help you start or expand a chapter in your state or locality.

We Appreciate Organized Labor Every Day

NNU also works to unite and empower activists. They hold lobby days and rallies, and set the tone for our movement. PDA thanks NNU for their energy and leadership working for the Bernie Sanders campaign during the primary season, for their incredible support and sponsorship of the People's Summit in June, and for their continued advocacy for Medicare for All.

According to the United States Department of Labor: "The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pay tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation's strength, freedom, and leadership—the American worker."

NNU Nurses exemplify all of best the qualities of aware, enlightened, and organized workers--and with their launch of Global Nurses United, "the International solidarity movement for RNs and healthcare justice" to help confront multinational corporations and borderless capital--they've taken their mission to the entire planet.

PDA thanks NNU for their support, and we're honored to work with them on issues and campaigns in the best interests of working people and all people around the world. We hope you will join NNU in supporting PDA by signing up as a monthly "Change Makes Change" sustainer. Your automatic donation will help PDA plan and budget more effectively.

If you cannot commit to an automatic contribution, we welcome your generous one-time donation of $500, $50, or whatever you can afford. Money tight? Then please sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make important calls from your own homeRather not make calls? Then Judy Hess will help you start or expand a chapter in your state or locality.

If you've never donated, or haven't donated recently, please dig deep and give $500, $50, or as much as possible as an investment in progress. We understand that times are tough, that the 1% has seized the lion's share of all wealth. Of course we're working to remedy that. We're aware of the intolerable pressures on working people and those on fixed incomes. Unless you invest in progress now, your own situation will get worse, not better.

In solidarity,

Mike Hersh for Donna, Judy, Mike F, Janis, Deb, Dan, and Kim your PDA National Team

P.S. We're here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need any help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Judy Hess. For those who haven't met her yet, you will find Judy is a smart, friendly, and supportive person who can help empower you. She can get you access to progressive DVDs to show, help you post your meetings and events onto the PDA calendar, and otherwise help your chapter thrive! Don't delay, start organizing now to make a real difference where you live! We're here to help!


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Progressive Democrats of America

The democratic wing of the Democratic Party