Your support keeps Progressive Democrats of America going. We welcome contributions of any size. If you contribute just 34¢ per day--$10 per month--you'll help us defeat the right wing plutocrats. Please consider making automatic, recurring monthly contributions. Please contact Kimberly if you have any questions.
Please send checks to:
Kimberly Buchan, Operations Coordinator
P.O. Box 150064
Grand Rapids, MI 49515-0064
See who else is donating:
Carey Wheaton
David Sonneborn
Zach Denney
Donna Norton
David Mandel
Mayme Hubert
Chris Barroso
Brodie Hilp
Ralph Miller
Bill Hess
Dorothy Marschak
Dorothy Reik
Julie Solis
Aaron Essif
Michael Thaller
Dorothy Reik
Tom Gallagher
Tom Gallagher
Michael Goldman
Michael Goldman
James Kratzer
Alexis Edelstein
Jan Stautz-Hamlin
Roxanne Gihl
Liz Keays
Nita Lynch
Dennis Mayerschoff