For the future of our kids and grand kids

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) cherishes you for supporting us. We thank all of our volunteer phone bankers and canvassers, as well as our chapter and issue team organizers for your tireless and all too often thankless work. To achieve the progress we all demand, we need 100 new sustainers—donors who give monthly in any amount from $2 to $200—by Election Day.

Because we know times are tough, we want to recognize those who dig deep to help sustain PDA as monthly sustainers. "Change Makes Change" helps us more easily budget and make plans by relying on a steady flow of your generosity. Thank you! We couldn't do anything without you. If you're not yet a sustainer, will you please click here now to help us reach our goal of 100 new sustainers by Election Day?

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Your Vote Is At Risk!

Since our launch in 2004, Progressive Democrats of America has remained focused on election integrity and opposing voter suppression of every kind, something the media have too long ignored. In early 2005, we worked with our founding National Advisory Board member, Rep. John Conyers, and other activists to uncover the widespread failures in the Ohio 2004 voting process.

What we found then was frightening, and the alarming flaws plaguing our elections are still widespread. The legitimacy of our republic is threatened with every suppressive tactic and computer “glitch”, but PDA’s Voter Access Protection and Election Integrity Issue Team is on the case. Please support PDA's ongoing election reform efforts now.

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Today We Remember (revised and updated)

Just over twelve years ago, an energized group of progressives met in Roxbury, MA. to launch a new grassroots political action committee called Progressive Democrats of America (PDA). This organization was unlike anything attempted before or since, because it was dedicated to reforming U.S. politics and promoting an ambitious progressive agenda through an inside-outside electoral and direct action strategy.

Today, this bold experiment in participatory democracy succeeds because of your strong support, through small donations and an energized volunteer network. To succeed, PDA remains focused on specific issues, supporting key progressive candidates, and sustaining efforts such as the Healthcare Not Warfare (HNW) campaign that directly challenge destructive neoliberal and neoconservative policies.

We hope you will sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make easy but important calls from your own home, or contact PDA Field Director Judy Hess to help build chapters in your state or locality. No time to volunteer? Then please invest in progress with a generous donation right now. Signing up to make an automatic monthly donation would help most, but we gratefully welcome any donation. Read Donna Smith's blog It's Not Enough to Remember 9/11.

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PDA On Parade On Labor Day

Progressive Democrats of America supports progressive candidates from Bernie Sanders for president to strong contenders for the U.S. Senate and House. We confront failed neoliberal and neoconservative policies with campaigns like Healthcare Not Warfare and Windmills Not Weapons. We organized with our allies at the People's Summit in Chicago in June, and hosted Progressive Central in Philadelphia in July. We've helped focus national efforts to pass ColoardoCare in that state. All that is important, but PDA is only as strong as our individual activists and local chapters.

We need you to get involved with your local and state chapters, or help launch new chapters in your area. You can accomplish important Things as well. Please contact contact PDA Field Coordinator Judy Hess to get empowered! She and Dan O'Neal will help you start or expand your local and state PDA chapter. Please support our latest efforts. Please donate whatever you can here to support Medea Benjamin's book tour. And/or contribute generously to support PDA's efforts on behalf of ColoradoCare, the historic legislation to guarantee healthcare to all Coloradans.

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What Does Labor Day Mean To Us?

While we participate in Labor Day parades, spend quality time with friends and family, or just relax, it's important to recognize the purpose of this holiday. Today, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) honors and thanks the courageous, dedicated, and thoughtful leadership of our allies in the labor movement, most especially National Nurses United (NNU).

The NNU Nurses exemplify all that is essential and positive in the House of Labor. While others may play it safe, NNU never stops striving to improve the working conditions and lives of its members, of the patients they serve, and of all people. We recognize their leadership on health concerns including best practices for dealing with the Ebola and Zika viruses, safe and appropriate registered nurse to patient ratios, and Medicare for All.

Demonstrating their expansive advocacy, NNU champions environmental and economic justice. Their agenda includes demanding effective polices to address the climate emergency, opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and mobilizing support for the Robin Hood Tax. To support this ambitious agenda, NNU endorses the most principled, progressive candidates. Please join NNU and support PDA's work for progress with a generous donation now. Money tight? Then please sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make important calls from your own homeRather not make calls? Then Judy Hess will help you start or expand a chapter in your state or locality.

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A Personal Investment In Progress

I just got my monthly invoice from Progressive Democrats of America, indicating that I've made another automatic $10 donation to support PDA's operations. To be honest, I don't even really miss it. Especially because I know my regular donations help PDA budget and plan, and therefore help "sustain" our operations. These "Change Makes Change" donations help PDA even more than occasional donations.

PDA is an insurgent organization. We get nothing from the deep pocket types. PDA never gets one cent from corporations or super PACs. We rely on individual donations that average less than $23 each. If you become a sustainer or increase your automatic monthly contribution right now, you will receive a special gift as our thanks upon completion of your fourth donation. If you act now, you could receive your gift in time for the holidays (no guarantee, but we'll try our best).

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Only the Lonely is the Wrong Prescription for Healthcare

In 1960, Roy Orbison sang a lament, "Only The Lonely" about the heartache of solitude. In politics, it's not always so bad to be alone, especially when you're ahead of the curve. Still, it's much better when others join you. But loneliness is nothing to sing about when your insurance company abandons you in your time of need. That can be financially devastating and even fatal.

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is often among the first. We're used to attracting support to once-unpopular causes that—through the hard work of our activists and our allies—become mainstream. We were the first first national organization to urge Bernie Sanders to run for president as a Democrat, in large part because he has been a trailblazer on the most important issues, including declaring healthcare is a human right.

Please contribute generously now to ensure we have the resources we need to win the ColoradoCare ballot initiative, and to continue organizing for healthcare as a human right. If you live in or can travel to Colorado to help on the ground, please contact Donna Smith right now and she'll get you involved organizing for these critical upcoming weeks. Can't get to Colorado? Then sign up with Mike "Phone Guy" Fox to make easy but important calls right from your own home to help mobilize needed support for ColoradoCare. To find out more about ColoradoCare, click here.

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Announcing Young Progressives Demanding Action

Progressive Democrats of America, (PDA), is honored to announce a new partnership with progressive college leaders called Young Progressives Demanding Action, (YPDA). The new organization is already organizing new chapters on campuses throughout the country. Student leaders who powerfully supported Bernie Sanders agree with PDA that our political revolution has just begun. Together we will reclaim our democracy. 

Please contribute $500, $50, or whatever you can right now to help us launch YPDA! Interested in learning more? See the YPDA Facebook page. Money tight? Then contact Mike “Phone Guy” Fox to make important movement-building and Get Out the Vote (GOTV) calls.

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Why Care About A Florida Primary?

I live in Maryland, and I'm working here on our elections and issues. So why am I writing to you about a candidate running in Florida? It's not a tough decision for me. I am psyched that Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) and Bernie Sanders endorsed progressive activist Tim Canova for Congress because he's standing up against Pay To Play politics in the Democratic Party. Help him win his primary showdown in Florida this Tuesday, August 30th.

Please join us now in donating generously to Tim Canova–the highly qualified challenger facing former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair Debbie Wasserman-Shultz (DWS) in Florida's 23rd Congressional District. Money tight? Then contact Mike Fox to help us get out the vote with our phone team.

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From "Run Bernie Run" to "We Want Bernie" to....

Dear PDA friends and warriors for justice:

Two years, three months and 14 days ago, on May 10, 2014, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) stood virtually alone in the ask. We were calling on Bernie Sanders to run in the Democratic Primaries, while everyone else was backing or ready for someone else. Even as we mourned the passing of PDA’s founder Tim Carpenter, we welcomed Senator Sanders to Northampton, MA, to celebrate Tim’s life, to commemorate PDA’s 10th anniversary, and to accept the petition signatures from throughout the country drafting him to run for president as a Democrat. It was Tim’s final campaign, and it launched a political revolution that is still unfolding.

Please contribute $500, $50, or whatever you can right now to help support our revolution. Money tight? Then contact Mike “Phone Guy” Fox to make important movement-building and Get Out the Vote (GOTV) calls to help elect progressives to Congress.

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Progressive Democrats of America

The democratic wing of the Democratic Party